Friday May 03, 2024

Online For Authors Trailer: A Podcast for Avid Readers Looking for New Authors and Their Books

As the award-winning host for Online for Authors, my goal is to introduce avid readers to characters they’d like to invite to lunch. Listeners will have the opportunity to discover new authors, amazing characters, and “can’t stop reading” stories.

Online for Authors releases a new episode featuring a guest interview each Tuesday morning at 6am ET. Tune in to be introduced to new and upcoming authors in a wide variety of fiction genres - from historical to fantasy to mystery to thriller to romance – as well as inspirational memoirs.

If you are looking for the next book on your “to be read” pile, then this is the podcast for you. Listen as authors discuss their latest work (no spoilers!), the impetus behind the storyline, how/where/why they write, what’s coming up next, and more! These conversations are in-depth because unlike other podcasts focused on fiction, I take the time to read and review each novel before the interview. By doing so, I can guarantee a good fit for my audience as well as an interesting and inquisitive conversation.

Additionally, the first Saturday of each month, I release what I affectionately call OFAU – Online for Authors University. These once-monthly episodes feature writing tips for authors in all stages of their careers and speaks directly to my desire to mentor others. Whether someone wants to know about editing, marketing, book awards, being a guest on a podcast, or how notebooking can help you overcome writer’s block, writers and aspiring writers will find useful tips to move their writing to the next level.

Finally, I gather experts for LIVE streams around topics of interest, such as why authors choose to use pen names or a behind the scenes look at audiobook creation. These LIVE streams happen each 5th Tuesday at 7pm ET, in addition to various dates around specific bookish events like book launches, author readings, and even book birthdays!

If you read more than 40 books per year and want to veer away from the NYT Best Seller's List or want to expand beyond your preferred genre, Online for Authors can help you discover novels written by Indie-Authors to add to your to-be-read list.

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