Online For Authors Podcast
Winner of the 2024 Positive Change Podcast Awards for Best Host and Best Book Podcast. Online for Authors is the only podcast with a host that personally reads and reviews indie-written fiction and inspirational/memoirs for avid readers who want to add books for their TBR beyond what they can find on the NYT best sellers list. As an award-winning host, Teri M Brown’s goal for Online for Authors is to introduce avid readers to characters they’d like to invite to lunch. If you read more than 40 books per year and want to veer away from the NYT Best Seller’s List or want to expand beyond your preferred genre, Online for Authors can help you discover novels written by Indie-Authors to add to your to-be-read list. Teri M Brown is an author of character-driven fiction and lives for the moments her characters speak their stories to her. Recognizing that other authors also have interesting lives and reasons for writing, Teri uses Online for Authors as a space for these authors to shine. Avid readers listening to Online for Authors will have the opportunity to discover new authors, amazing characters, and “can’t stop reading” stories. Online for Authors releases a new episode featuring a guest interview each Tuesday morning at 6am ET. Tune in to be introduced to new and upcoming authors in a wide variety of fiction genres - from historical to fantasy to mystery to thriller to romance – as well as inspirational memoirs. If you are looking for the next book on your “to be read” pile, then this is the podcast for you. Listen as authors discuss their latest work (no spoilers!), the impetus behind the storyline, how/where/why they write, what’s coming up next, and more! These conversations are in-depth because, unlike many hosts, Teri takes the time to read and review each novel before interviewing her guests. She believes that by doing so, she can guarantee a good fit for her audience as well as an interesting and inquisitive interview. Additionally, the first Saturday of each month, Teri releases what she affectionately calls OFAU – Online for Authors University. These once-monthly episodes feature writing tips for authors in all stages of their careers and speaks directly to her desire to mentor others. Whether someone wants to know about editing, marketing, book awards, being a guest on a podcast, or how notebooking can help you overcome writer’s block, writers and aspiring writers will find useful tips to move their writing to the next level. Finally, Teri gathers experts for LIVE streams around topics of interest, such as why authors choose to use pen names, a behind the scenes look at audiobook creation, and more. These LIVE streams happen each 5th Tuesday at 7pm ET, in addition to various dates around specific bookish events.

Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Guest-host Carole O’Neill’s guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Scott Gordon, author of the book Head Fake. Scott Gordon’s fiction has appeared in the Green Hills Literary Lantern (GHLL), Modern Times Magazine, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, The Satirist, and Mobius Magazine. In addition to writing fiction, he has written and directed films and television series, including A History of Black Achievement in America, Great American Authors, and more. Scott spent years working as a Youth Advocate for juvenile offenders with mental illness. Head Fake is inspired by the strength and courage of the kids he worked with. Originally from New Jersey, Scott lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Samantha, and their two rescue pups, Mel Brooks and Khaleesi Bee.
In her book review, Carole O'Neill stated:
As I began reading Head Fake, I wasn’t sure it was something I would finish. After all, mentally ill teenagers centered around the game of basketball was everything I would avoid choosing when I decided to read a new author.
My surprise was the way Scott Gordon used humor on nearly every page to enhance Mikey’s interaction against the antics of the high-risk offenders he was about to coach. The more difficult challenge was to make sure Mikey’s own clinical depression didn’t become the reason for a failed experiment.
By the second chapter, I had forgotten about the sport of basketball and raced through the pages to find out how each of these disturbed students would be saved. The violent offenders and outcasts battled with bipolar disorder and street violence to arrive each day to train with a coach they believed would get them a win.
Halfway through the book, I found myself cheering for the team and their impossible hurdles toward a goal no one thought could be reached. I LOVED THIS BOOK!
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Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Kay Smith-Blum, author of the book Tangles. After selling her European fashion specialty store in 2016, Kay Smith-Blum began writing the novel she had been percolating on for two decades. Three manuscripts later, Smith-Blum’s debut novel, Tangles, depicts the human costs of the nuclear age and the dangerous legacy it leaves for future generations. “The Calf” is a companion piece, and the first in a series of short works and essays that accompanied the release in November 2024. Winner of the 2023 Black Fox Lit short story contest, Smith-Blum has been published in multiple literary journals.
In my book review, I stated Tangles is an amazing debut novel that pushes the genre boundaries. Is it historical fiction? A love story? A thriller/mystery/suspense? The answer is yes - and a whole lot more.
We meet Luke and learn that he is sure the nuclear power plant in his community poisoned the citizens, including his father. He also believes that those in charge, from plant officials to government leaders, knew of the safety issues and kept them a secret. Because of this, Luke sets off to prove these theories once and for all, making enemies along the way.
Luke is a likeable character, and Kay helps us get inside his head. Whether we see him as a young teen when he falls in love with his married neighbor or as an adult dealing with his own cancer diagnosis and befriending a fatherless child, it is easy to understand his motivations and cheer him on.
Will Luke be able to find the answers he seeks? Will he ever know what happened to his first love? Read the book and find out!
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Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Judy Lannon, author of the book The Making of Genevieve. Judy’s award-winning contemporary women’s fiction resonates with readers through its honest and relatable depiction of women and their life experiences. In her debut novel, Nine Days, we meet the Austin family and their narcissistic mother, Genevieve. Inspired by reader requests for more about the mother’s character, Judy wrote “The Making of Genevieve.”
A conversation with a friend inspired Judy to write “Nine Days,” which won awards soon after publication, launching her writing career. Within two years, The Making of Genevieve was published. Her books have been recognized by The American Writers Association for Best New Debut Fiction and Best Women’s Fiction, The Firebird Book Awards, and The New York City Big Book Awards.
Judy lives and writes at her home on Cape Cod, MA near the Atlantic Ocean. Though she thinks it's a cliché to say the ocean inspires her, she happily accepts that label because it's a constant presence in her writing.
In my book review, I stated The Making of Genevieve is a fabulous women's fiction with a historical setting on the Cape. Genevieve grows up in an affluent area, and though very comfortable, aspires to be in the upper class. And, unlike her peers, she does not see a life that starts and ends with a husband and children. Instead, she wants to be a famous interior designer first - maybe a husband and maybe a family.
Unfortunately for Genevieve, a secret she only shares with one other person changes everything. Her marriage to an up and coming young man turns sour after WWII PTSD causes him to turn to alcohol to cope, while her one true love chooses a calling that excludes her. Through it all, she pushes, pulls, streamrolls, and demands her way through issue after issue, always sure that the world is hers for the taking.
The Making of Genevieve is a wonderful story of perseverance and resilience as a women tries to make it in a man's world. But just as importantly, it is a hard look at how secrets can lead us to make questionable choices and make life harder than it needs to be. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!
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Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Michael Pietrobon who is here to chat with me today about Book Design. Michael is a book designer from Toronto. As the founder of Foglio, he provides self-publishing consulting to a diverse array of authors.
A self-published author himself, Michael started Foglio with the intention of providing compelling, highly personalized book design and publishing services to all authors.
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Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Oran Kivity, son of the late Ruth Jordan who wrote her memoir Daughter of the Waves.
British acupuncturist and coach Oran Kivity trained in Europe, China, and Japan. He has been in continuous practice since 1987 and specializes in Japanese methods. In 2000, he was a founder member of Toyohari UK, the British branch of the Toyohari Association of Japan. In recent years, he developed the Ontake Method, which won awards from Harper’s Bazaar Magazine in 2014 and Global Health Pharma in 2019 for the most innovative new healing method.
His books, Moxa in Motion and Hirata Zone Therapy received praise and recognition from acupuncture journals worldwide, including the Journal of Chinese Medicine, the European Journal of Oriental Medicine and North American Journal of Oriental Medicine. He took on this project to republish his mother’s memoir as a tribute to her and so younger generations of his family knew her story.
Oran lived and worked in Malaysia from 2005 till the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 when he moved to Taiwan. He now practices, writes, coaches and teaches from the southern port town of Kaohsiung, where he lives happily by a river, near a lake and close to the sea.
In her book book review, Carole stated:
Reading Daughter of the Waves was a new experience for me. I had very little knowledge of Palestinian life before 1940. And, while I expected to read an autobiography, I found what I was experiencing was similar to sitting at the kitchen table with a neighbor over a cup of tea as she recalled memories of growing up in a seaside suburb of Haifa, called Bat Gelim, in pre-war Palestine. She didn’t recite a chronological list, but rather highlights as she remembered them.It was obvious she had a love of adventure. From the Flying Camel to the cyclist from Palestine to London to raise money to build a Jewish sports stadium in Palestine, her humor was always part of the portrait of a child and a nation growing side-by-side.Her delight in the Palestine Orchestra conducted by Toscanini did not overshadow her memory of the Arab revolt to stop the Jewish immigration in 1936. And I will always remember her belief that no Arab woman is worth her bride price until she can cook eggplant in seven different ways. Her resolve to become a wizard with eggplants came from her mother.Each chapter could be a book. Read them over time or in one sitting. But do put this book on your TBR list.
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Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Gail Ward Olmsted, author of the book Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip. Gail was a marketing executive and a college professor before she began writing fiction on a full-time basis. A trip to Sedona, AZ inspired her first novel Jeep Tour. Three more novels followed before she began Landscape of a Marriage, a biographical work of fiction featuring landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, a distant cousin of her husband's, and his wife Mary. After penning a pair of contemporary novels featuring a disgraced attorney seeking a career comeback (Miranda Writes, Miranda Nights) she is back to writing historical fiction featuring an incredible woman with an amazing story.
In my book review, I stated Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip is a fun biographical historical fiction. We meet Miss Katharine Wormley - Kate - as she travels by motor vehicle in the fall of 1907. Travel by car, especially for a woman at 80, was rare at that time, but Kate is a rare individual.
Along her route, she meets many people who need what she has to offer from advice to encouragement to her medical knowledge. She also meets ups with old friends and family. Through it all, she reflects back on her amazing life.
Katharine Prescott Wormeley is a real woman born in England and moving to New England when she was just 18. She volunteered as a nurse on a medical ship during the Civil War, founded a school, ran a hospital, authored a book, and translated French novels. She, like her trip, and this book, was remarkable! A definite joy to read.
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Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Edward M Rahill, author of the book One Mile at a Time. Ed’s fascination with endurance road racing was sparked as a young boy when he tuned in to the iconic 1966 24 Hours of Le Mans. Born and bred in Western New York and an alumnus of the University of Notre Dame, Ed carved out a successful career in the energy sector. As CFO of ITC Holdings and later as the Founder, President, and CEO of GridLiance, a Blackstone Company sold in 2021, Rahill showcased his leadership and innovation. Yet, ever faithful to his philosophy of life, upon completing this book, he already has his sights set on his next exciting venture.
Ed holds a place in the annals of history as the cross-continental endurance road race record holder, boasting the fastest time in a competitive road race stretching from Boston to San Diego. His debut novel, One Mile at a Time, is more than a chronicle of this thrilling feat. It’s a tribute to a promise made to his grandmother — that his children’s generation would finally shatter the cycle of broken dreams. With its publication, Ed’s commitment has beautifully come to life.
Currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia, Ed is a record holder, a successful businessman, and a proud father of four adult children. His story is one of grit, endurance, and the power of dreaming big — his story leaves readers captivated and inspired.
In my book review, I stated One Mile at a Time is a memoir about winning a cross-country road race - and a whole lot more.
Edward starts his memoir in a childhood surrounded by cars as well as lessons learned from his grandmother. Her long talks with Ed often resurface during life's difficult challenges. His hope is to have the chance to offer the same kind of advice to grandchildren of his own.
I was interested in this memoir because of my ride across the US on a tandem bike. Though not a speed race, there is something similar to the idea of making it across the country. My father also loved cars and speed, so maybe there is a touch of it in my own blood.
These races have been done on horse, car, bike, and foot - what's next? I enjoyed this memoir and think you will, too.
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Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Robert Blake Whitehill, author of the book Deadrise. Robert was born into a Quaker family in Mardela Springs, just outside Salisbury on Maryland's Eastern Shore peninsula. He grew up sailing the Chesapeake Bay, and one of her most beautiful tributaries, the Chester River.
After graduating from Westtown School, Whitehill stayed in Pennsylvania to earn his B.A. in creative writing at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges. Later he trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and at The Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City.
He is the author of the award-winning, critically acclaimed, multi-category, international Kindle bestselling Ben Blackshaw thrillers, which currently has six titles, and audiobooks in the works in German and English.
Whitehill lives in New Jersey with his wife and son. When he wasn't sailing, or knocking around the sky in a Cessna 152, Whitehill published several articles about his home waters in Chesapeake Bay Magazine. He is also the managing partner of Calaveras Media LLC, a feature film and television development company. He is a member of SAG-AFTRA, International Thriller Writers, GPA Aviation Club, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, and served for a number of years as an EMT-B with the Montclair Ambulance Unit.
In my book review, I stated Deadrise, a thriller, is Book #1 in The Ben Blackshaw Series. If you love a Tom Clancy kind of novel, then you will love this series.
We meet Ben underwater - clamming in the Chesapeake Bay near Smith Island. However, instead of finding clams, he finds a sunken boat, 19 boxes of gold bouillon, a dirty bomb, and his dead father - a man he hasn't seen in 15 years. His clamming partner, Knocker Ellis, isn't as surprised as he should be, nor are the other inhabitants of the island. When Maynard Chalk learns his deal has gone sour, and that Ben's father is to blame, he comes to the island to get his money and the bomb - but Ben has other plans.
I loved Robert's characters, and especially loved that Smith Island with all her quirky inhabitants was as much of a characters as Ben.
If you love a good thriller with all the twists and turns, and great characters, then you will want to read Deadrise.
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Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Nkrumah Mensah , author of the book Anne of Survivor. Nkrumah Mensah: mother of two, lover of Star Trek and Shakespeare, anime enthusiast, and ballroom dancer adds another tagline to her name . . . novelist. Born into a long line of storytellers and with a desire to share her tales with the world, Nkrumah is the first in her family to bring her characters to the written page. In a mystical place called Greensboro, in the zany land of North Carolina, she works in commercial construction by day and toils on her writing passion at night. An English graduate from Mary Baldwin College, Anne of Survivor, begins her epic journey into the world of YA publishing.
In my book review, I stated Anne of Survivor is an amazing young adult historical romance - and despite my age (well past young adult), I couldn't put this book down!
Anne is a young, privileged girl who simply doesn't see life in the same way as her parents. When her father punishes her for her behavior toward a potential suitor, Anne leaves her home and ends up working as a crew member on a ship - but not before meeting a young prostitute that she sets on the straight and narrow. Anne has guts and gumption and soon discovers that she more strength than she knew. But what will she do when she realizes she has feelings for her captain?
And what of the captain who is not what he seems? And Anne's family who finds themselves entwined with Anne's young friend?
The story has many twists and turns and is the first in a series. A definite must-read.
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Kirsten Weiss, author of the book Legacy of the Witch. Kirsten writes page-turning paranormal and metaphysical mysteries, and now a Tarot guidebook that’s a work of experimental fiction. Her heroes and heroines aren’t perfect, but they’re smart, they struggle, and they succeed. Kirsten writes in a house high on a hill in the Colorado woods and occasionally ventures out for wine and chocolate. Or for a visit to the local pie shop.
Kirsten is best known for her Wits’ End, Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum, and Tea & Tarot cozy mystery books. So, if you like thoughtful, action-packed mysteries with complicated heroines, just turn the page…
In my book review, I stated Legacy of the Witch is a cozy mystery with a dose of the paranormal - and I must say, I loved the combination. As a disclaimer, I don't usually read stories about witches and am not a fan of tarot cards, so I wasn't sure this would be a good fit. Nonetheless, the storyline is fast-paced and the characters are delightful. I'm hooked!
April finds herself in Pennsylvania researching Pennsylvania Dutch crafts in hopes of obtaining a degree she believes she needs to move on with her life. But everything gets turned upside down when she finds a dying man - a man who happens to be her landlord - while jogging.
It's when she starts seeing ghosts, meets a local witch, joins a mystery school, and learns of ancient hexes that the story really takes off - and leads April on a hunt to find the killer before she turns into the next victim.
And if you are into tarot cards, Kirsten has provided a deck she calls UnTarot to help you with meaning making! It's a must-read for mystery fans.
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